A high-performance, versatile purifier

Our humanitarian customers are talking about ORISA®.

The ORISA® water purifier has been deployed in over 40 countries by a number of NGOs to help beneficiaries facing difficulties in accessing water. Several of them agreed to answer our questions to discuss the relevance of using ORISA® in different contexts.

Humanitarian interviews

A number of NGOs and small associations agreed to answer our questions to tell us about their experiences of deploying ORISA® water purifiers.

Solidarités International - Burkina Faso

  • Solidarités International customer testimonial - 500 ORISA® deployed in Burkina Faso

  • Solidarités International customer testimonial - 80 ORISA® purifiers deployed in Burkina Faso

Acted - Niger

  • Acted customer testimonial - 120 ORISA® purifiers deployed in Niger

  • Extract - ORISA® VS Chlorine - Acted Niger

Solidarités International - Lebanon

  • Solidarités International customer testimonial - 545 ORISA® deployed in Lebanon

Echanges France Cameroun

  • Echanges France Cameroun customer testimonial - ORISA® deployed in Cameroon

Humanitarian Testimonies

Governments, NGOs and small associations are taking to social networks to talk about their deployment of ORISA® water purifiers.

Call for donations

Clémence Botino, Miss France 2020, has launched an appeal for donations to the Secours populaire français to help the Haitian people following the earthquake in 2021.

Secours populaire français stepped in the day after the earthquake to help 4,000 families. The association wanted to deploy water purifiers to help families meet this vital need.