ORISA®: The water purifier deployed worldwide

Deployed in tens, hundreds or thousands of units, our water filtration equipment has a considerable impact on the material support of humanitarian programmes, but also and above all on the lives of the beneficiaries.

In a family, in a school welcoming pupils and teachers every day, in the heart of a health centre welcoming dozens of patients a day or even for a community of thousands of people in the event of a blockade during a conflict... ORISA® improves the health of beneficiaries, treating them, saving lives and enabling everyone to be resilient and live in dignity.

NGOs talk about ORISA

Feedback from client NGOs

Following humanitarian projects, NGOs such as Solidarités International and Acted, as well as smaller associations such as Echanges France Cameroun, have shared their experiences of deploying ORISA® water purifiers.

Humanitarian feedback
  • Home filtration in isolated areas of Colombia

    3,190 ORISA® water purifiers have been deployed by the French and Colombian governments to provide autonomous water filtration for indigenous populations in the Vichada department.

    See the project  
  • Alternative filtration in a conflict situation in Burkina Faso

    Solidarités International has deployed 805 ORISA® water purifiers in response to the conflict in Djibo, Burkina Faso. Interview with the coordinator and the EHA and shelter manager.

    See the project  
  • Treating malnutrition in Madagascar

    Médecins Sans Frontières has deployed 973 ORISA® water purifiers to provide drinking water in its mobile clinics to combat malnutrition in Madagascar.

    See the project  
  • Aid for displaced people in Chad

    In Chad, 860 ORISA® water purifiers have been deployed to combat cholera and help displaced and isolated populations.

    See the project  
  • Caring for the sick in a health centre in Cameroon

    The association Échanges France Cameroun has provided an ORISA® water purifier to improve the quality of medical care. Interview with Gilles Wafo-Tapa, chairman of the association.

    See the project  
  • Combating a cholera epidemic in Lebanon

    Solidarités International has deployed 1,000 ORISA® water purifiers in Lebanon to stem a cholera epidemic.

    See the project  
  • Combating water-borne diseases in Ethiopia

    Deployment of 147 ORISA® water purifiers by Un Enfant Par La Main, financed by Capgemini, in Ethiopia to make access to drinking water a reality for all children and their families.

    See the project  
  • Producing clean water for schools in Haiti

    Deployment of 60 water purifiers in schools in Haiti by Solidarités International, financed by Capgemini, to provide clean water to 4,400 pupils and 154 teachers.

    See the project  
  • Contingency stock deployed in Ukraine

    Deployment of 405 ORISA® water purifiers by the French government to help victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war, following the creation of a contingency stock dedicated to humanitarian aid.

    Find out more  
  • Equipping 14 schools in Haiti to promote education

    Combating educational deprivation in 14 schools, involving 1,462 pupils and teachers, in the Artibonite region of Haiti, thanks to the association Un Enfant Par La Main and financed by Capgemini.

  • Home and community filtration in Madagascar

    Delfina deployed 31 ORISA® water purifiers for families as well as for the village dispensary and a local volunteer who built the village school, in order to promote water self-sufficiency.

    See the project  
  • Des purificateurs ORISA® pour l'accès à l'eau en Haïti

    50 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® ont été distribués à la communauté Ti Miska en Haïti grâce à Plastik Bank

    Voir le projet  
  • Faciliter l'accès à l'eau pour les personnes déplacées

    L'ONG Acted a déployé 120 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® au Niger pour faciliter l’accès à l’eau potable des populations déplacées internes.

    Voir le projet  

Tell us about your humanitarian concerns, the needs of your programmes to supply your emergency kits, your long-term solutions or your contingency stocks.