Karito programme

Karito programme
Le programme Karito de Fonto de vivo est un programme solidaire consistant à reverser 1% de notre chiffre d'affaires annuel sous forme de dons en faveur de projets d’accès à l’eau.
Depuis la création du programme en 2023, 50 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® ont été donnés à 5 associations et partenaires à destination d'autant de pays différents

A water purifier designed and adapted for your humanitarian programmes
ORISA® is designed to meet the vital need for clean water. The purifier offers a reliable and effective water filtration solution, even in the most difficult environments. Equipped with an ultrafiltration membrane, the filter is able to effectively retain microbiological contaminants present in the water, ensuring clean, safe water for consumption.
Domiciliary filtration
Contigency stock
Climate disasters
ORISA'round the world
Since 2021, the ORISA® water purifier has been deployed in over 60 countries worldwide.
History of donations
5 ORISA® - PUI - Mali
10 ORISA® - IOM - Nigéria
To defend children's fundamental rights, access to water, sanitation and hygiene is essential for their health, dignity and education, the pillars of a fair and sustainable future.

Helping children
By 2025, all donations will be earmarked for children's projects.
Ensuring access to water, sanitation and hygiene is crucial to guaranteeing children's fundamental rights. These are essential elements in preserving their health, protecting their dignity and supporting their education, which are the foundations of a fair and sustainable future.

Anthony Cailleau
‘Adapt and make affordable filtration technologies for everyone's uses, to meet the social and ecological challenges of our time.’
Managing Director and co-founder of Fonto de vivo. French representative for projects in Colombia. Contact for development aid and international cooperation.